I've posted some new classes on the calendar. Lunchtime quickies class has been cancelled. June 14th is a special day - World Wide Knit in Public Day. You can come knit with us at the store from 10-2 (if it's nice we'll be out on the porch) or ignore that and come spin with us from 1-4 at the SPIN IN! For the spin in bring a bit of fiber (an ounce or so) and we'll do a fiber sandwich from whatever folks bring. Better yet have a whole fiber day and do both.
June 21st is a shorter version of the usual Weaving class. We'll be learning the same techniques but making a pillow cover instead. We may weave it a little differently but the basic techniques are the same.
June 28th Knitting 101 starts again and Stacie is teaching Illusion Knitting that day too. July classes are up as well. There is a weaving class on July 12th. Some other things are in the works for July but just not scheduled yet.
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