Next month Laura is teaching a class in Tablet Weaving - also called Card Weaving. This is another ancient art you could learn. Here are some samples.
If you want to sign up, please do so no later than February 7th since I will need to order supplies for the class.
And now - About the Ravlympics...In case you don't know, everytime the winter Olympics is on there has been a version of the Knitting Olympics too. Originally started by Yarn Harlot, this time Ravelry has taken it over. We are on Team Tennessee and will be using the Knaughty Knitter group on Ravelry for posting about our projects. The idea is that you pick a project (the rules are on Ravelry), start during opening ceremonies (Feb 12) and are done by midnight of the day the torch is extinguished Feb 28). You can pick something big, small, challenging, fun, a UFO, a stash project....there is a list of events on Ravelry too. I have picked mine. I am blaming Lisa who got me started picking colors yesterday. It is all her fault, that's the story I am sticking too anyway. Here's what I plan to do and here are my colors so far
I may change out a color or two, but I am liking this bunch at the moment. Oh and yes I think there are medals and winning teams and such.
And the knewsletter will be out this week with new classes, check 'em out.
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