Hey There Fellow Cold People – Happy New Year!
We don’t have it that bad, but we are less prepared for it than those poor folks up north….Make lots of warm woolly things fast with some bulky yarn. We have lots in and more is due this week. More colors of Marble arrived this afternoon.
I changed LOTS of things around last week. The store is mostly organized by size of yarn now. It has been opened up a lot by some furniture moving we did too. It looks so much better and I can see the door from the back now. No more searching for where that voice came from when you come in!
January is mitten KAL month traditionally. I’m doing Whovian mittens (on Ravelry). Fair Isle – Doctor Who theme…. Anyone up for a little Mitten Knitting? There is a discussion on Ravelry in our group there – just join in and post pictures when you get done.
I scheduled a Weaving on the Knitter’s Loom class for Wednesday evenings this month – for those who can’t do Saturdays when it usually is.
Weaving School classes start in February – this is the one that meets once a month to learn some more advanced weaving skills.
And this month is the first of Yarn Therapy Group. This meets the last Monday of the month for an hour. Bring your troubled and delinquent projects and we’ll work on fixing them and getting them headed back in the right direction. Please reserve your space in this one ahead of time as space is limited.
Classes are up through March (mostly – we’ll add more I’m sure). Lisa is teaching a baby Cocoon class that promises to be really cute – it’s a sock monkey thing. That’s Feb 1st.
Stay warm – a good fire, hot chocolate and some wool – works for me.
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