Two colors of cotton one main color (MC), one Contrasting color (CC).
Try doing team colors or school colors. #8 needle
Begin with main color CO 3.
Every row for the 1st half of the dishcloth will be Kfb, knit across.
Knit 12 rows
Change colors and knit 2 rows, change back to MC and knit 2 rows. Do this again and then knit two more rows of CC. Knit 8 rows of MC.
Knit 6 rows of CC, Knit 4 rows MC
Knit 2 rows of CC without increasing.
Now you will begin decreasing each row: Every row begins with a K2tog and then knit across. When you have 3 st, K3tog and bind off.
Knit 4 rows of MC, Knit 6 rows of CC, Knit 8 rows of MC. 2 rows CC, 2 row MC, 2 rows CC, 2 row MC, 2 rows CC and cut CC. Knit the rest of the dishcloth in MC.
You can crochet an edge around in if you want to.