I am excited to announce that we have a new Knitting and Crochet Teacher. Wayne Hass is a patient and knowledgeable teacher and does beautiful work. Here are some pics of his work and a little information about him:
Wayne was introduced to crochet by his grandmother, when he was seven years old and has over 30 years experience. He has made MANY afghans for family members and friends, but he most enjoys crocheting with thread doing filet crochet and making doilies. His grandmother taught each of her grandchildren how to crochet, but she always expressed an interest in Wayne learning to knit since he showed a lot of interest in fiber arts. Soon after his grandmother’s death in the mid-ninties, he purchased a book and some knitting needles and learned.
He has spent the past 15 years developing his skill as a knitter, and he has made numerous types of knitted garments and accessories, from sweaters for family members—including his two dogs, Stella and Blanche—to hat, scarves, mittens, and socks. He is skilled in various knitting techniques including, lace, fair isle, and double knitting. He has taught many of his friends and some family members to knit and crochet, including his mother.