Here's that big news I teased you with last week....
Today is my last day as owner of The Knaughty Knitter! If all goes as planned, we sign papers tomorrow morning and you'll have two awesome folks to come to for yarn and things. Carolyn and Lena Farris have been customers for a long time and both of them have been knitting and crocheting for years. They will be closed on Thursday to get things organized for themselves and Friday will be the first day of the new owners. Come in for knitting group as usual to meet them (I'll be there for a bit too)
I want to say we are very grateful for the years of support and friendship from the fiber arts community here. We've constantly been amazed and pleased with the folks who come in here.
I'll be around some during the next month and still at some Friday groups. But I am looking forward to cleaning and organizing my long neglected house and then getting started making art that has been incubating in my brain until I have time to do it, getting my Etsy stores up and running and teaching some classes too.
Wow what a trip!! Its been almost 11 years since we started this adventure What wonderful times and people we have encountered! So grateful for the rich relationships and loyal customers we have developed during this time.. I know that Carolyn and Lena will have a great experience and be able to serve the Knaughty Knitter community with much more energy than we have left. Wishing everyone well and I'll be seeing you around,,...
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